Khamis, 1 Mac 2012

Segmen Seni: Make-over Me Contest.

Assalamualaikum warge donia,

terime kaseh sebab sudi datang ke blog yg tak fahmos ni.
nk dipendekkan cerite, saye ternampak satu entry dari Myra Azraff pasal kontest memakeup wajah si ganteng Alif Ismail. seyesly, dengan jujur dan yakinnye mang aku tk kenal pon sidia nih.. but, whut the shell? just give it a try!!!! hahaha.

so, ini gambar dier yg ori!!!!

dan ni hasilnye!!!!!!! bhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okayh la!!!!! Actually, bukan aku yg lukis gambar ni pon.. hehehehe.. tapi dilukis oleh seorang wanita dengan tangan yg sangat berbakat. Introducing Myla Muri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehhe

lukisan ni was fully drawn via hand, pencil, pen and an amazing talent of art.
begini kisah dier, actually ada org kat luar tu yg ada bakat yg sangat hebat dalam seni. tapi takde peluang nk melebarkan sayapnye dan diketahui umum. so, aq amek keputusan nk gune care ni untok show-off what can this girl do.

aq pon telah meneliti ketujuh-tujuh peraturan kontes ni, nmpaknye takde satu pon yg menghalang aku untuk mengetengahkan mila as kontestan melalui blog ni.. belh kan abg alif?

hehehehehe, so saye arap saye tak diqualified lah... huhuhuhu


Khamis, 12 Januari 2012

facebook: revolusi, evolusi dan transformasi.


so, actually aku takdak idea nk disharekan.. aku tak tau pon kalau ade orang penah share mende alah ni kt blog depa.. ni ha, aku cume nk share je apa yg aku dpat pasal perubahan facebook sejak diasaskan pade tahun 2005 hingge tahun 2011 ni..


pada awalnye, mark zuckerberg asaskan mende social ni untuk student harvard jek dengan name thefacebook.korang jangan arapla nk merase..hahaha.. (mase ni pon tade sape kenal fb..) kalau korang prasan mende nih la homescreen dan profile page bab takde newsfeed.. (ala, tempat korang ngutuk orang laen uh...) so, bebudak zaman ni tak leh nk ngamok n mencarot dekat fb..hehehe

hehe, ni masih dalam tahun yg same tapi dh upgrade sikit la.. perasan x? perasan x? ad mini-feed la!! yeah!!!
mini-feed ni pon kelemahan die cume paparkan aktiviti kite je.. org lain punye tak tau.. interaction pon wall to wall(huh, aku cukop menyampah dengan aktiviti cakap sorang ni)..

k, ni lak.. upgrade tahun 2008 punyer.. perbezaannye dari tahun 2006 n 2005 ialah profile interface yg lebih cun dh senang.. mini-feeds dah takde!!! yeah!!! tahun ni lah diperkenalkan news-feed yg amat kontroversi tuh sehinggalah dipersetujui ramai.. nk tau tak ap yg kontrobasi pasal news-feed ni? tanya aku nanty ek? heehehe.. 
yg bestnyer, maseni gak app2 or game2 dah mule compatible dengan fb.. tade la korang boring sangat dengan mende alah nih,,(walupon aku tak suke men game kt fb..)

yg ni tahun 2009, time lah mark zuckerberg mule kaye raye berbilion duwet die lepas die mulekan marketing untuk advertising..(churpchurp!!!)

selain itu, die jugak mengasakan kn like page!!!!! macam yg korang punye tu lah.. (erm,, tade pon aku punye.... T.T)

hah!!! ini die!! tahun 2010.. mase ni aku engat sangat ramai orang melayu mule membebel pasal betape huduhnye interface yg ini.. aku minat je.. (jangan tak ngaku ye!!!!)

perubahannyer ialah: gambar kite yg dh di tag akan diletakkan kt bahagian atas so org senang kenal.. atopon yg paling popular profile banner!!! (ad yg sanggup buat doploh kali lepas banner die rosak,,,betol tak?)

next, ticker!!! mende alah kt tepi uh.. nmpak tak? yg ni  aku namekan mini stalker.. ade je aktiviti kawan kite yg diexpose..hehehe

apelagy, chat baru... mase bende ni dikluarkan mule lah org melayu membebel tahap gaben..(tak suke2!!!!)  nk je aku lempang sensorang..hahaha

hehehe,, ni lah evolusi paling panas!!!! seyes aku suke banget!!! diorang kate crowded la ape la,, aku okay je.. ok, sape tau pakai timeline dengan baik memang actually lagy bagos dari mane2 interface sebelom ni.. serabot tuh, boleh dikemaskan seringkas2nye...

yg suke tahniah lah,, interface ni paling maju dan paling canggih.. first, cover picture.. pengganti profile banner korang yg rosak tiap ari tuh..(suke2!!!!).. second, vies as yg lebih teratur.. korang boleh pilih nk tunjuk ap kat timeline korang status aje or picture aje or note sahaje.. sume dalam tangan korang..

untuk pengetahuan korang, interface timeline adalah antara paling ringan berbanding yg lain.. so,, kalu korang rase fb upload lembap semacam je kan,, ap lagy tukar la kepade timeline..hahaha

k,larh.. penat aku membebel..hhhehehehe..
aku tak kisah pasal follower, saye suke follow org dn suke org follow saye,, tapi saye lagi suke kalu org komen,,, seyes nih!!!! heheehhe

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012


it is my first wordless wednesday. and im trying it due it is a tradition in blogging. so here u go:

love is an abstract. untouchable yet a powerful feeling. it wont fail yet it makes people fail.
i gives hope, yet it makes people loses hope...

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

will i be might

when the time have invited
its the time for me to write
whether it is wrong or right
cause ill fight
from noon to night
and ill beat the height
though faced with fright
without being a knight
that win with his sword
as i try
ill be the might.........

gloomy tale of a love soloist

The melody it sang is a trick
But I never realize
Though it kept me to fly
Above up in the sky
To dream, to wish a fantasy
As frog croaking for moon
As me, dreaming for love
A speaking heart told to listen
A feeble mind told to obey
As me a pathetic soul
Ready to be knock
Ready to be thrown
Ready to believe
As uncolored wooden marionette I will be…
But …
Now the song changed its melody
Thus the lyrics it’s sung
Are different word
Telling a myth of unspoken fillings of heart
To this uncolored wooden puppet
Yet the song tell no beauty
I, arrogantly tear the sheet
Tease the singer
Making him in tears
As him a hunchbacker..
The song amend again
This time
The story it narrate
A mocking voice
To discern my look
Improperly made as scar
Scattered on my face
And I, ought to
Leave this theater of love
As he chant a better song
As he tune a better melody
As he, seem to exist a better prince
Than me, an ugly puppet
And a hunchbacker either………….


*ive made this poem quite a long time ago.. just i posted it in my note tab in facebook.. i hope u guys do enjoy art in language..

The mist of heart

It is neither heaven nor even hell,
a place of sadness and grieve,
trees are planted but not cared,
they die and wilt in sad,
the sun has never been so hot
as rain pours down the land
to mark the misery of the heart
that cries so hard
that mourns for love
and the sky is black
ready to blow
massive tears of sorrow.
as night drop by
the eye of gloomy day,the moon
stares the star angrily
that the stars hide it light and no bright
twinkle by the clouds.
as morning dews flow
from leaves' skin
the sun shines as dim
as a broken lamp
to shine no matter
just spark seems to be dawn
and brownish mist
covers the heart
to tell a story of gloom
it is called the mist of the heart....

my love

When you first look at me
a flower of love is blooming so brightly
the sun begin to shine
and the light is so find
but the heat is wild
and the sun not to blame
though the flower in shame
because its beauty burn in fame
to say your beauty is so great
that no eyes would say it is fake
that no one would buy to sit
by your side and watch you wilt
but ill stay and say
that you are my love,,,,

Isnin, 9 Januari 2012

Smartness VS Talent

Holla Molla!!!
So, welcome aboard to mah another simple babble post!!! huh, mat salleh gitu, actually aku nk membebel dalam bahase mat salleh tapi bile dipikirkan balek bkan ade yg bace post aku ni pon,,hahaha... post kali ni takde la kontrobasi sangat macam sebelom ni.. cume nk mengkomperkan antara 'smartness and talent.' what the hell is that? hahaha.. tunggu der.. sebagai tande awal untok mengelakkan keponkiusan yg berlebihan. ok, aku dh penat mengoogle seharian nk cari bahan untok post ni.. memang kopi dan pastalah nampaknye,,hahaha..

"Question paper of a 5th class boy:

Write an essey about your best friend in 200 words!
Given time was half an hour!

Boy finished the paper in 1st min...
He just wrote 1 sentence,
But he got full marks!
That 1 sentence was...
"Any combination of 26 alphabets can never express my friend.. ♥ Awww! =D

okay, ni bayangan pertama untuk membezakan cemartness dengan bakat.. aku dengan konfident sangat konfident yg orang bijak yg konfident akan dengan konfidentnye tulis karang yang akan menunjukkan kekonfidentan die betape die konfidentnye dengan kawan die. tapi, mamat sengal nih, dengan malasnye die menulis sepatah ayat malas yg menunjukkan betape die malas mase ni.. tapi malangnye, aku pon stuju ngan idea dia nih,,hahaha.. betolkan, takde ayat atau perkatan yg boleh kompare kan kawan kite or so whatever..hahaha.. so the best part is he got full marks for that!!! wth!! bagi aku, mende nih namenye bakat.. secar teknikalnye about 200 word bermaksud mane2 nombor dalam range sma ad terlebih atau terkurang.. betol? hahaha.. so, mamat pemalas ni berjaye memanipulasi perikse dn pemerikse dengan ayat die,, tak tau la cite ni betol ke salah, hahaha. yg seterusnye:

"The teacher shouted angrily,

'If u think u r an idiot then stand up,right now!'
After some moment, no one moved. Then, a student said, 'Sir, you are the only one who's standing.' .... =D"

yg ni aku yakin korang sangat familiar sama ada dari versi melayu ataupon versi english.. taoi aku lebih prefer bahase inggeris hahaha.. bajet kan aku ni? aku ni angkuh sebenarnye..kuikuikui.. aku takde ulasan yg panjang la.. pada aku ni lak bkan bakat.. ni namenye kepintaran a.k.a smartness. klau yg bahase melayu punye:

"seorang cikgu bertanye kepada anak2 muridnye.
'sape yg mengaku buduh sile berdiri!!'
seorang pelajar pon berdiri.cikgu tersebut bertanye:
'kenape ko ngaku ko buduh?'
"la,, takkan la cekgu sorang je yg buduh.. saye nk temankan cikgu je.."

edited! *melayu:reformasi dan transformasi. walupon jujurnyer memang bukan haku yg edit..hahaha.. yg ni bkat nk menggulai cikgu korang.. korang memang suke kn kenekn cikgu korang.. kalu cikgu tu sporting takpe la,, jangan smpai ko kene telan penmpo lk,,hahaha.. NEXT!!!!!

"Awesome Answers In IAS Examination

Q. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
A. Concrete floors are very hard to crack! (UPSC Topper)

Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it?
A. No time at all it is already built. (UPSC 23rd Rank Opted for IFS)

Q. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have?
A. Very large hands. (Good one) (UPSC 11 Rank Opted for IPS)

Q. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
A. you will never find an elephant with one hand. (UPSC Rank 14 Opted for IES)

Q. How can a man go eight days without sleep?
A. No Probs, He sleeps at night. (UPSC IAS Rank 98)

Q. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?
A. It will Wet or Sink as simple as that. (UPSC IAS Rank 2)

Q. What looks like half apple ?
A: The other half. (UPSC - IAS Topper )

Q. What can you never eat for breakfast?
A: Dinner.

Q. Bay of Bengal is in which state?
A: Liquid (UPSC 33 Rank)

Interviewer said "I shall either ask you ten easy questions or one really difficult question. Think well before you make up your mind!" The boy thought for a while and said, "my choice is one really difficult question." "Well, good luck to you, you have made your own choice! Now tell me this.

"What comes first, Day or Night?"

The boy was jolted into reality as his admission depends on the correctness of his answer, but he thought for a while and said, "It's the DAY sir!"

"How" the interviewer asked.

"Sorry sir, you promised me that you will not ask me a SECOND difficult question!"

He was selected for IIM!

Technical Skill is the mastery of complexity, while Creativity is the master of presence of mind.

This is a famous paper written for an Oxford philosophy exam, normally requiring an eight page essay answer and expected to be backed up with source material, quotes and analytical reasoning. This guy wrote the below answer and topped the exam!"

 yg ni best untok dikaji lebih lanjut.. setelah meneliti dengan bijak dn teratur aku dengan konfidentnye inilah smartness+talent!!! woohoo!!!! okay kalau diteliti soklan2nye dengan genius maka dengan spondannye.. eh eh typo pulak,, dengan spontannye korang dengan jujur mesti kate nk jawap soklan2 yg mcm harem ni kena pakai otak science kan? dengan fizik n sebagainyer tuh.. tapi, jawapan mamat ni pulak langsung tade kaitan denga sc at all!!! einstein ponah kate kt nenek aku dulu, 'logic bawak kite dari a ke b, tapi imagination bawak kite ke mane2' tu yg nenek aku skang ni nyanyok je,, jenjalan tak tentu arah,, EINSTEIN!!! sume salah ko!!!! %$64*765&^$^%#!!! imagination adalah arahan otak belah kanan kan? org2 yg prasan kretip tu otak kanan die lebih uptimum.. imagination die tah hape tah yg die pikir.heheehe.. kalu rmai org gile tepi jalan uh,, tu org otak kanan lah tu,,hahaha.. jangan mare.. joke jah!! teliti lagy text kt atas. soklan2 ni khas untok pelajar ap? FALSAMPAH!!! oopa.. typo.. FALSAFAH!!!.. manusie2 gile yg memikirkan kehidupan dn plus plus plus..Technical Skill is the mastery of complexity, while Creativity is the master of presence of mind.   hah, amek ko aku bold tuk korang suh bace balek,,hahaha.. lagi??? yg ni the best part.. pada aku lah.. pada korang aku tak tau sangat la.. hehehe

"A professor was traveling on a boat. He asked the Sailor. 'Do you know Biology, physiology, geology, morphology, zoology or criminology? D sailor said "No" to all his questions. D prof. said 'what the hell do u know on earth? U (sailor) will die of illiteracy.
After a while, d boat started sinking and d sailor asked him(Prof.). 'Do you know swiminology and escapology from sharkology? D prof said No. D sailor replied. Well, Sharkology and Crocodiology will eat your Assology and Bodyology and you will Dieology.. "

okayh, yg ni kelahkor dol.. aku bace tergolak tahap kritikal nenek haku..hehehe.. professor possesses intelligent or equal term to smartness. kluor lagy mat salleh haku,amek ko.. while sailor as indicator to talents and skills. profesor tuh dengan angkoh dan bengkoknye membangge diri dengan kepandaian yg die ad. dan ayat tak tahan die, mati sbb buduh terlampau,, wah, sedap je kn ko profesor..hahaha.. then, boat tu tenggelam.. yg ni aku suke tuh.. ad semua kepandaian profesor tuh menyelamatkan die dari mati? takkan? instead, sailor tuh sempat poke kepale dn pemikiran profesur bengkok tuh dengan ayat last profesor pon Dieology lah..

aq pon sebagai org melayu yg aktif dalam reformasi dan transformasi pon mengedit lah cerghitera ni supaye nmpak elok cket..

"prof: so, i bet u know helpiology!!!!
sailor:lucky u!! im an expert of that!!!!" slamatlah profesor tuh ngan ayat haku nih,,hahaha

amboi,, penat aku membebel lelame.. ntah apekah moral diending pembebelan ku ini...anyway, sekian trimas!!!

Ahad, 8 Januari 2012

melayu: reformasi dan transformasi (i)


hurm, setelah berpenat lelah memikirkan apa yang perlu aku post kat blog ni akhirnya keluar jugak idea yg tak berape nk bernas ni..hahaha.. berdasarkan tajuk, aku yakin dan percaye dengan sepenuh jiwa rageku bahawa ramai akan terpfikr macam ni:

1)euw,,, politik gile!!! x la cm ni!!!
2)keje nk ngutok org melayu lah tu!!!!
3)erm,,, aku suke dengar bende kontrobasi nih,,hahaha

okay untuk clearkan pemikiran korang yg so politik obsesi uh trus terang sebagai mane matahari waktu pepagi blog saye yg serba ringkas ni bkan la sebagai landas berpolitik or sebagainye..hahaha kalau pendapat yg kedua pulak, hobi aku memang suke mengkritik so hadap je la.. kalau tak suke tak boleh nk buat ap la..haha.. pendapat ketiga, ak pon suke jugak!!!!!!

so, ap yang kontrobasi sangat dengan tajuk melayu: reformasi dan transformasi ni? tunggu sat yah.. hang tok sah duk kalut plus menggelupur pasal topik ni sangat bab takde pape pon..hahha
okay lah.. first and for all, aku yakin dan thrust yg rate2 pembace blog ni ad facebook kan? rate2 yg bace blog ni orang melayu kan? yela, blog bahase melayu mesti lah yg bace org melayu ye dak? sebenarnye, aku nk menunjukkan ketidakpuasan ati nenek aku kt certain part kt facebook..

1)mamat or minah kopi and pasta
-bende ni memang tak boleh lari sebab dalam beribu or beratus friends mesti ada at least sorang or due.. okay, bende bagus or sumthing u called dakwah kalau di kopikan dan dipastakan dapat pahal kan? tapi bkan ke lagy bagus kalau korang share mende uh.. korang dapat pahala yang tukang buat pon dapat pahala.. kn lebih proper berdasarkan hak copyright? kan? kan? kan? tu yang dakwah so wutever la.. tapi yg aku nk cite ni bkan status dakwah, status yg boleh dikatekan lawak la,,hahaha..kayh ni contohnye:

ni aku amek dari friend fb aku.. it is nice!!! thanks for copying!!! tapi kalau korang perasan ini lah yang aku namekan reformasi dan transformasi orang melayu.. *punye panjang aku membebel baru masok topik!!!!! *sorry... hahahaha
sape penah bace lawak ni versi original angkat tangan!!!!! yg original lebih ringkas tapi lebih kelakar.. okay, orang melayu memang kretip dalam bab mengedit ni, tapi serious dol aura lawaknye ilang!!!! meh cni aku tunjuk yg ori,, compare kan lah sendiri yer,,hahaha

berdasarkan pemerhatian korang which is better? simple one or the edited one? okay lah.. aku takde idea dh nk dibebelkan..
sekian terima kasih........